We ❤️ Immigrants
This project honors and explores the history and contributions of immigrants in the US We offer several options.
The New Colossus is a curriculum that can be used for different age groups to do image work, story sharing, and facts around immigration using the Statue of Liberty and the iconic poem on its base by Emma Lazarus.
Using Playback Theatre, a highly specialized form of improvisation, we interview immigrants about their backgrounds to help share their stories. especially powerful in honoring the voices of people from marginalized communities and in helping to build understanding across differences. Created by Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas in the 1980s in New York, It is practiced in over 50 countries because of its ability to amplify individual stories on the spot for a collective audience.
We have worked with numerous immigrant populations including Mexican, Dominican, Chinese, Indian, and Bosnian, among others.
Press is welcome to use any of our website images with attribution to That Uppity Theatre Company.
St. Louis LimeLight
We (Heart) Immigrant Project Launches Inaugural Production
The favorable response to the inaugural production of “Your Immigration Stories, Mine and Ours,” means that more will be planned, said Joan Lipkin of That Uppity Theatre Company.
St. Louis Public Radio
St. Louis Theater Troupe Uses Improv To Bring Immigration Stories To Life
Junior Lara distinctly remembers the day he was approved for his U.S. green card. It was 1993, and he was nine years old. It was the first time he had ever signed his name.
A year later, Lara, his mother, and three brothers moved from the Dominican Republic to New York City to reunite with his father who had been working for years to bring his family to the U.S.