Climate Change Theatre Action
We are part of a global participatory project, Climate Change Theatre Action to use performance to bring communities together and encourage them to take local and global action on climate. We do this work in conjunction with academic institutions, environmental groups, communities of faith, and general theatre audiences.
Every other year, fifty professional playwrights, representing all inhabited continents as well as several cultures and Indigenous nations, are commissioned to write five-minute plays about an aspect of climate change based on a prompt. Since 2018, we have produced events to share the plays, encourage the sharing of info, and promote conversation about the most pressing global issue of our time.
To emphasize the “Action” part of Climate Change Theatre Action, we design actions – educational, social, or political/civic – that can be incorporated into our event. It may involve the scientific community, other departments within a university, local environmental organizations, etc. Examples of actions from previous years include presentations by scientists; donations to hurricane relief efforts and food banks; conversations with social justice and environmental organizations; writing letters to legislators, and; sharing tools for sustainability at the local level.
In 2018, close to 140 collaborators in 23 countries hosted events, reaching an audience of 12,000. In the US, 90 events took place in 60 cities.
In 2021, we dramaturged a dance theatre piece on environmental racism performed at the Grandel theatre and taped for virtual sharing.
We are also collaborating with area dance companies to create work about climate change and to perform both in traditional performance spaces as well as in indoor and outdoor cultural venues.
Press is welcome to use any of our website images with attribution to That Uppity Theatre Company.
STL Jewish Light
The Drama of Climate Change
Climate Change Theatre Action is a worldwide series of readings and performances of short climate change plays that are primarily presented to coincide with the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP 25...